¿Por qué sabemos que es real el CambioClimático¿ ¿Por qué conocemos que no está provocado por otros factores ajenos al factor humano? Lo explicamos en #SciencTruck9 desde Maristas Málaga. Con…
La segunda revolución cuántica que se está produciendo hoy en día está liderada en Europa por el Programa Quantum Flagship, que pretende llevar los procesos cuánticos desde el laboratorio al…
Northwestern University chemists have used visible light and extremely tiny nanoparticles to quickly and simply make molecules that are of the same class as many lead compounds for drug development.<br…
Current super-resolution microscopes or microarray laser scanning technology are known because of their high sensitivities and very good resolutions. However, they implement high light power to study samples, samples that…
Information security, in online banking for example, often works with a combination of a public key and a private key. The public key is known to everyone, but for creating…