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You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. Mas »

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You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. Mas »

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You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. Mas »

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You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. Mas »


Category Archives: CHISTES

Al banco

Un hombre va por la calle andando y amigo le grita:
- ¡Eh, Manolo ¿Adónde vas tan deprisa?
- ¡Al Banco, Enrique, al Banco!
- Pero ¿A ingresar o sacar?
- ¡No, hombre no, a sentarme que estoy muy cansado!


Al banco

Morder el perro

- Oiga, ¡su perro me acaba de morder! ¿Es que no va a hacer nada?
- Hombre, si quiere se lo sujeto para que usted también le pueda morder…

See the original article here:  

Morder el perro

Coche bonito

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Coche bonito

Coche bonito

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Coche bonito

Coche bonito

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Coche bonito

Coche bonito

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Coche bonito

Abuela Virtual

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Archivado en: Gráficos, Viejitos

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Abuela Virtual

Transporte extremo 14

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Transporte extremo 14

Transporte extremo 14

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Transporte extremo 14

Un chapuzas en casa 36

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Un chapuzas en casa 36